Rubik' s cube @ Video Art Festival Thessaloniki 2008

video art-
(without sound)

Shown in:
2007/ collectif exhibition ‘‘all about white’‘, spilioti projects gallery(Athens)
2008/ video art festival ‘’ strange screen’‘ (Thessaloniki)

The free interpretation of a game.
The experience of cube- A partial perception.
An object of presence- absence.
A passage from the idea of the object to a mental process.
An object mainly aptique that is being transformed into a visual/ optique object-
The viewer gets, in this way, a distance.
People and colours ; colours and space.
An open cube- 6 different sides with the possibilities of removals, of mixtures
and of restoration.
A screen divided into 6 squares.
3 phases- 5 people- 6 spaces
(1st and 2nd phase: plan sequence)

“ Voir, c’est avoir a distance’‘, ou incorporer le monde, mais sans jamais le contraindre. Merleau Ponty_